PLUTON presents a new SOTA protection and monitoring system More details
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Focusing on our main goal — on providing integrated turn-key solutions, PLUTON offers advisory services of high-skilled and well-coordinated engineering team for qualitative solving of the most complicated and non-standard technical tasks received from our Clients.

PLUTON advisory services include a wide range of products and design solutions for city electric transport, allowing Customers to exceed expected criteria, related to safety, reliability and operational readiness of sites within their whole lifetime.

Being equipped with various modern technical solutions, PLUTON introduces technical recommendations in the field of electric transport and infrastructure, providing fast, safe and comfortable extension of transport capacity of passenger electric transport in the largest cities in Europe.

How can we help you?

Please contact us in case you have any technical queries, requests regarding customized procurement or delivery time of equipment.

Representative office in Australia
Andrii Nerovniy
Managing director
Worldwide presence