PLUTON presents a new SOTA protection and monitoring system More details
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PLUTON introduced innovative solution for technical committee of Metro main engineers and enterprises which make part of Metro Association.

From 17 to 19 October 2018 in Saint Petersburg took place  technical committee of Metro main engineers and enterprises which make part of Metro Association, where participants рассматривали a variety of questions regarding metro operation, metro technical equipping, modern equipment manufacturing and implementation, as well as discussed metro topical issues, issues of technical reequipment and safety, cooperation between equipment manufacturers and metro.

PLUTON introduced its own solution for reliable protection of DC electrical circuits against short circuits and overloads, as well as for high reliability of power supply — AFB arc-free ultra high-speed circuit breaker as a part of DC switchgear, provided for application in the power supply distribution systems at metro, light railway, tram and trolleybus traction substations. The introduced solution and ways of its application for solution of set tasks arouse much interest among event participants.

International Metro Association is a community of metro and manufacturing enterprises of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and the Czech Republic since 2015. Metro Association also includes the largest industrial enterprises, which produces technical tools and various equipment for metro.