Up-to-date technologies are applied in our advanced DC switchgears series to provide more convenient and cost-effective application, easy installation and maintenance.
Compact and reliable switchgear ensures uninterruptible power supply of traction network as well as personnel safety.
DC switchgears are equipped with microprocessor control and diagnostics system with displaying information on the visualization panel. The control system is based on SOTA® controller (by PLUTON), that meets a series of standards for PLC — IEC 61131 and provides support of the IEC 61850 protocol.
Due to application of visualization panel, the required information is displayed in convenient intuitive form and switching units control is performed via touch to the touch screen.
Sécheron UR type high-speed circuit breakers with improved operational characteristics are applied in DC switchgears:
EST, EDT disconnectors manufactured by Elpro (Germany) are applied for electric power circuit switching.
Applied disconnectors have a unique crimp-type contact system design with double gap and wiping contacts, geared by a small-sized servo drive.
Disconnectors are classified as maintenance-free components, with a number of cycles before maintenance — 30 000 cycles (or 20 years).
Disconnectors are equipped with noiseless economic electric drive, capacity 18 W. Application of electric drives controlled with automation system reduces risk of disconnectors and bearing insulation damage in case of false staff operation with undue exertion.
High-, and low-voltage compartments are separated from each other providing operational reliability, equipment maintenance and operation safety.
Rigid foundation
Cubicles have rigid foundation providing design stability and excluding necessity of deepening in substation floor.
Withdrawable trolley allows quick inspection of equipment. Withdrawable trolley has three positions: operation, control and maintenance. Unilateral maintenance provides easy access to all components of the cubicle and maintenance safety.
In addition to innovative traction network protection and monitoring system SMTN-3/SOTA line test device (short circuit test device) and cable monitoring system that allows determining internal and external cable insulation resistance value in real-time and provides emergency prevention in case of insulation characteristics degradation are built into switchgears.
Environmental compatibility
PLUTON uses materials with minimal impact on the environment in its production. The materials are safe not only during operation but also at the end of product life.
Vast application experience
More than 900 DC switchgears manufactured by PLUTON are successfully applied at traction substations in Ukraine, Sweden, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, and South Korea.
Please contact us in case you have any technical queries, requests regarding customized procurement or delivery time of equipment.